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Literature Text

Well, I guess you were riGht.
They were riGht.
You couldn't promise forever.
Couldn't promise tommorow.
You were riGht.
She was, she is, your Ramona.
And I'm just your Knives.
ConGratulations Scott.
I can't really say that I cried.
I was depressed, disappointed really.
Rather sad, but I still haven't cried.
Guess now I know how Knives really felt,
When she told Scott to Go after Ramona.
But it's my fault.
I wasn't enouGh, I was too younG.
And I wasn't her. I could never be enouGh.
So Scott ran back to Ramona,
And left me in a GrowinG state of sadness.
But Ramona was with Gideon, and she didn't Go back to Scott.
So Scott left Knives in the dust,
and she ran off to join the circus.
She left to Go back to the life she knew.
After all, she had no reason not to.
So she went back to the L.B.,
The new D.W.C.
And she tried to chase away the pain,
With work and a bit of danGer.
HopinG that the pain would Go away with enouGh distractions.
But it didn't.
It reminded her of the GrowinG sadness
That she encountered with every conversation.
She missed him without him every beinG Gone from her life.
She still cared about him with every fiber of her beinG.
But she knew his feelinGs had chanGed.
He didn't care anymore,
She was just a sex toy that he had wrapped around his little finGer,
And he knew it.
She took up a pen and scrawled those treacherous words,
WishinG to burn them at first chance.
But she knew, even in her idealized world, it wouldn't chanGe a thinG.
Because she wasn't enouGh.
She wasn't worth the risk.
You know why?
Because she had no benefits.
She is nothinG to  him.
NothinG but a Ghost from the past
That he so desperately wishes to shake off and forGet she exists.
And it will work.
She will disappear from existance and never bother him aGain.

Because she doesn't matter.
Just a bit of writinG that I felt like puttinG out there.... It's been in my notebook for a really lonG time and I decided that I miGht as well Get someone else's take on this.....
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